Tate's Bake Shop Butter Crunch Cookies (7 oz)


Tate's Bake Shop Butter Crunch Cookies (7 oz)

Regular price $5.98


What makes Tate's Bake Shop cookies so deeply delicious? It's something we call "The Bake Shop Way." It started when 11-year-old Kathleen King began baking cookies to sell at her parents' farm stand. Her love of baking and dedication to quality made her crisp, buttery cookies legendary in Southampton, and were the inspiration for what eventually became Tate's Bake Shop. While our bake shop is still a local favorite, our cookies have won a loyal following from coast to coast, with Kathleen's intuition, passion and principles guiding everything we do. So, enjoy one of our deeply delicious cookies and experience "The Bake Shop Way".


  • Uniquely Crispy
  • Founder Approved
  • Crafted by Kathleen King
  • Craft Baked
  • Kosher - Dairy




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Tate's Bake Shop Butter Crunch Cookies (7 oz)